101-4 unit EP

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MUSIC 101: Introduction to Creating Electronic Sounds
4 Unit EP

Tamilore Awosile
Title: l'atterrissage
Link: https://soundcloud.com/tawosile/sets/latterrissage
Album Art: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D7CXcDaOekEYa69b-aFB_NQ_kFOGVueq/view?usp=sharing
Statement: “l’atterrissage” (the landing) is inspired by Mathieu Kassovitz’s 1996 film La Haine (hate).

The title - “l’atterrissage” is a double entendre, drawing from the iconic quote opening quote from protagonist Hubert, as well as marking my “landing” as a solo artist.

The opening track, “tout va bien” (everything’s going well), features the aforementioned opening quote, over a driving hip-hop beat. The second track, “l’histoire de deux villes (l’interlude)“ (a tale of two cities - interlude) features a spoken word performance by Gabriella, exploring the disparity between the suburbs and the centre of Paris, two worlds within the same city. The final track, “l’hymne (pour Abdel)”, is dedicated to Abdel Ichaha, a victim of police brutality who’s fate set off the riots at the beginning of the film. It is a cover of Braxton Cook’s Hymn (for Trayvon).

Michelle Bao
Album Art:

Andrew Bempong
Album Art:

Michael Cao
Album Art:

Kadin Hendricks
Title: Imaginary Times In Made-Up Places
Link: https://soundcloud.com/supermcsweet-636895643/sets/music-101-final-ep
Album Art:
Statement: After years of saying I’d release an EP, I have thanks to Music 101! This EP is the culmination of my evolving taste in electronic music over the years, as well as an attempt to channel some of the massively varied emotions the last two years in particular have brought. From the maddening repetition of Vox, to the eerily alien landscape of Phylum, to the simpler but now complicated pleasures of parties and other people in the EDM songs Iris, Howl, and Waiting, this EP has allowed me to make the song I thought I would when I first thought about producing music ten years ago, and has shown me that so much more is possible beyond that.
A few bonus tracks from before this quarter are included in the LP version here! https://soundcloud.com/supermcsweet-636895643/sets/music-101-final-lp

Justin Jasper
Album Art:

Speedy Laster
Title: Music 101 EP
Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-23209834/sets/music-101-ep?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Album Art:
Statement: For my 4-Unit EP, I decided to experiment with using a Zoom H2N field recorder like we did in the Sonic Terrain project, but instead of capturing nature sounds, I wanted to capture music in its live, raw form. I covered four of my favorite songs using my acoustic guitar, voice, and a tambourine and piano that I found in the CCRMA Stage room–where I recorded my project (see EP Artwork). I set the zoom recorder on the “surround sound” setting, recorded all the various audio tracks one at a time, and then layered them on top of each other. Very little processing was done to the tracks besides a slight EQ and reverb in order to have the music be as raw and authentic as possible. I hope you all enjoy it!

Kevin Liao
Album Art:

Caleb Liu
Title: End of Humanity
Link: https://www.calebliumusic.com/stanford-music-101
Album Art: See link
Statement: End of Humanity is a collection of four original orchestral compositions, created using midi and sample libraries. The pieces form together to tell a story of a great war that kills off humanity. The first piece is a march which represents the people going off to fight in the war. The rhythms in the snare drum and heavy brass resemble a traditional march structure. The second piece captures the chaos and disorder that the war ensues; the war causes humanity to be terrified. Fast runs in the string section, forte brass chords, and heavy percussion help characterize this piece. The third piece represents the penultimate war that causes the end of humanity. It has similar elements with the second piece and ends on a sad note. The final piece reflects the mourning and loss of the human race. The minor chords and instrumentation give off the feeling of loss and sorrow.

I hope that my EP showcases the abilities of the orchestra to evoke emotions and feelings. My goal is for the audience to feel excitement, fear, tension, and sorrow while listening to the pieces.

Daniel Mottesi
Album Art:

Zoe Schramm
Album Art:

Sal Spina
Album Art: