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Revision as of 12:11, 25 September 2019 by Ksimotas (Talk | contribs) (9/30/2019 (2))

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Music Presentation Roster

Fill an empty slot with your CCRMA user name. You can edit the roster by clicking the edit button right next to the section title. See the syllabus for the detail: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/220a/syllabus/#music-presentations

9/25/2019 (1)

  • Jeremy Raven
  • Hank Tian
  • Jonathan Heckerman

9/30/2019 (2)

  • Kathlynn Simotas
  • (available)
  • (available)

10/2/2019 (3)

  • Haeli Baek
  • Ian Ruohoniemi
  • Kadar Qian

10/7/2019 (4)

  • Andrea Baldioceda
  • Matthew Brown
  • (available)

10/9/2019 (5)

  • Vivian Chen
  • (available)
  • (available)

10/16/2019 (6)

  • Santiago Gutierrez
  • (available)
  • (available)

10/21/2019 (7)

  • (available)
  • (available)
  • (available)

10/28/2019 (8)

  • (available)
  • (available)
  • (available)

10/30/2019 (9)

  • (available)
  • (available)
  • (available)

11/6/2019 (10)

  • (available)
  • (available)
  • (available)