Filters: Author is Edgar Berdahl [Clear All Filters]
"An electroacoustic sound transmission system that is stable in any (dissipative) acoustic environment: An application of sound portholes",
NOISE-CON 2010 in conjunction ith the 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 04/2010.
"A physically motivated room reverberation enhancement system that is stable in any (dissipative) room: An application of sound portholes",
NOISE-CON 2010 in conjunction ith the 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 04/2010.
"Feedback Control of Acoustic Musical Instruments",
STAN-M, no. 120, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 06/2008.
Impulse Response Measurement Toolbox,
, 2008.
"A Tangible Virtual String",
Proc. 2008 Conf. on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME-08), Geneva, Italy, 2008.
"Inducing Unusual Dynamics in Acoustic Musical Instruments",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Singapore, Oct. 1–3, pp. 1336–1341, 2007.
"Active Damping of a Vibrating String",
Proc. 6th International Symposium on Active Noise and Vibration Control, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 18–20, 2006.
"Some Physical Audio Effects",
Proc. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada, Sept., 2006.